Seller Value

If you are the owner of a leading middle market company and are reading this information it may be as the result of either;

a) a direct contact you have received from Andra Partners, or
b) a referral to Andra Partners you have received from an advisor or other referral source.

Andra Partners is not a business brokerage or traditional investment banking operation. It is a buy-side mergers and acquisitions originations firm that primarily executes thematic targeted searches in support of the industry-focused acquisition and investment objectives of its private equity and corporate clients. When executing a targeted search, Andra Partners does not contact the ownership of a middle market business unless it has been mandated to do so by one of its clients. As Andra Partners’ clients generally have current investment funds ranging from $100M up to well over $20B this is not an insignificant event.

For those companies proactively contacting Andra Partners, your company may be of exceptional interest to one or more of our clients across the U.S. As such your inquiry will be treated with complete confidentiality and reviewed in the context of firms specifically focused on your industry sector. There is no cost to you for this involvement, and Andra Partners has insight into the industry sector interests of a wide array of private equity firms across the U.S., so the likelihood of appropriate interest is favorable.

Serious Inquiry

Andra Partners respects and values the human capital and financial investments made by middle market business leaders and owners, and will not expend your valuable time with idle inquiries. If you have been contacted as the result of a targeted search it is because an Andra Partners client is interested in establishing a discreet dialogue, and has asked that you be contacted on their behalf.

No Cost to Seller

Andra Partners is a buy-side firm, so all of its fees are paid directly by its private equity and corporate clients. There is no investment necessary on your part other than the time you spend in a dialogue with the prospective acquirer or investor. This dialogue will be facilitated by Andra Partners, and may move forward after an initial exploratory conversation.


Andra Partners is committed to confidentiality, and all information you provide, including financial, operational, procedural, human capital, and any other information will be handled on a confidential need to know basis as determined and directed by you.